What on earth is a DOG doing on my feline behavior blog???? Don't worry: I'm still the crazy cat lady and I do prefer cats over dogs....but I also love dogs. I want to hug them (even though my dog-crazy friend Wendy says that might be intimidating for most dogs.) This pic is of one of my gorgeous nephews. I've posted it to inspire you to please go to Cocker Spaniel Rescue of New England (http://csrne.org/JOEY/contest.htm) and vote for ROMEO for the Cutest Pet Contest. Votes are only $2 each and all proceeds go to help rescue Cocker Spaniels in need. They do great work there. Maybe you could even consider adopting a dog while you are on the website. Oh, I should warn you that last year this contest was called the Cutest Cocker, but this year they have opened it up to other pets. The top 12 pets will be featured in a 2009 calendar. Romeo was Mr. July last year. Romeo is lucky to live with my brother, Food, his girlfriend Eva, another Cocker Spaniel named Woody and 2 longhaired Dachshunds named Pan and Lira. And they have an upstairs uncle named Bob. It's a happy doggy home and I love visiting them whenever I go to Bahhhhstin. Please goto the website and vote for Romeo. Please!
As for my kitties...CC has become a bit of a domestic house cat. She is friendlier than ever to me and even slept in the bed with us 2 nights this week. Of course, I had put her there to protect her from INKY and I had 2 restless nights fighting him off! She sometimes waits by the front door thinking she might be suddenly allowed out again. No deal. Inky still stalks her and there are hissy fits everyday. She pretty much hides all day and night and only comes out to eat and do her business when I am there to protect her. I have begun giving CC and Scooter Bach Flower Essences Mimulus and Inky gets Vervain. I put it on the pads of their paws and/or in their ear flaps. I want to believe it is helping...but, really, I'm not convinced.
Good luck to everyone dealing with these storms this season. Don't forget to vote for ROMEO!!!!
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