Today Spike went back to the Kendall Animal clinic for a follow up. He saw Dr. Colker last time. She is our awesome new cat specializing vet. You may be able to see in this photo that Spike had a scraping done on the left side of his face (HIS right side) by his whiskers. It is healing up nicely though. We went back today and saw Dr. Rogoff because he is a dermatology specialist. He, like Dr. Colker, said spike is the best patient! Spike was very sweet and didn't complain or try to escape or anything like that. Both of these vets were shocked that Spike is 14 years old! His heart is beating strong, eyes clear and paws clean and healthy etc. Dr. Rogoff even insisted on checking out Spikes tummy before declaring him healthy. He only weighs 12 lbs now (used to weigh more like 15) which is better for his heart. He eats voraciously and loves to play. I love this kitty witty! I will bring him back in a month to check on the whisker situation and get his teeth cleaned for the first time. I'll probably cry over that one later. I'll have to leave him there all day. I guess I'll spend all day shopping at nearby Kohls while they clean the teeth.
Well, I'm off to nap now before church tonight (Good Friday). Thanks to INKY and my husband, I have not been sleeping much at night.